Milliken & Company Finalizes Acquisition of Borchers

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Milliken & Company (“Milliken”), a global diversified manufacturer with more than a century and a half of materials science expertise, has formally acquired Borchers Group Limited (“Borchers”), a global specialty chemicals company known for its innovative high-performance coating additives and specialty catalyst solutions from The Jordan Company, L.P. (“TJC”). The transaction officially closed on Tuesday, January 28, 2020.

Milliken’s Millad® NX® 8000 Clarifier for Polypropylene Receives Critical Guidance Recognition from the Association of Plastic Recyclers

MillikenSpartanburg, S.C. – Milliken Chemical, a division of Milliken & Company, today announced that its Millad® NX® 8000 clarifying agent for polypropylene (PP) has received Critical Guidance Recognition from the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR). This prestigious recognition for innovative materials validates that the Millad NX 8000 clarifier is compatible with plastic packaging recycling. To date, the Millad NX 8000 additive is the only PP clarifying agent to receive Critical Guidance Recognition from APR, a national trade organization whose efforts are aimed at identifying and eliminating barriers to successful commercial recycling.

Milliken’s newest DeltaMax™ Performance Modifier will help manufacturers of polypropylene impact copolymers to boost efficiency

MillikenSpartanburg, S.C. – At K 2019, a global plastics industry conference in Dusseldorf, Germany, Milliken & Company will introduce the newest product in its family of DeltaMax™ Performance Modifiers. This latest addition is designed to expand use of the additive into all market segments, including food packaging.

UL certifies the energy savings of Milliken’s Hyperform® HPN™ performance additive for PP

MillikenSpartanburg, S.C. – Milliken Chemical has long said that its Hyperform® HPN™ performance additive for polypropylene (PP) offers significant energy savings to injection molders during processing—a claim that has now been independently verified by UL LLC.

Milliken introduces KeyPlast RESIST™: A spectrum of bright, high-performance colorants for engineering plastics

MillikenSpartanburg, S.C. – Milliken & Company, recognized as a worldwide leader of plastic additives and colorants, announced today the launch of KeyPlast RESIST™, a spectrum of bright, high-performance colorants for engineering plastics.

美利肯助力多普乐家具 引领床垫色彩新潮流

Milliken中国 上海—近日,在中国家具协会30周年大会上,佛山市多普乐家具有限公司开发的Power X床垫荣获中国家具协会颁发的2019中国家具产品创新奖卧室家具金奖。该奖项是中国高端家具产业的权威大奖,对促进中国家具行业的创新发展具有积极的推动作用。此次获奖的多普乐Power X床垫添加了美利肯的聚氨酯着色剂Reactint,是一款舒适度与美观度并存的深色聚氨酯海绵床垫。



Milliken’s ‘ColorDirection 2020’ explores the colors of the human journey

MillikenSpartanburg, S.C. – The theme of Connected Comfort serves as a foundation for the six color tones selected for ColorDirection 2020 — reflecting the convenience, flexibility and personal experiences capturing the connection color creates between products from various markets and the consumers they serve.

美利肯亮相2019国际橡塑展 展现创新添加剂解决方案

Milliken中国,上海——作为全球领先的聚烯烃添加剂生产商,美利肯在2019年国际橡塑展(展位号:10.2 G11)上展出一系列创新的解决方案来满足橡塑行业的市场需求,通过提供改善聚烯烃树脂外观和材料性能的添加剂,有效提高加工效率、增强产品的可持续性,帮助客户生产出更美观的产品,为消费者创造价值。在本次展会上,美利肯将重点展示其适用于热成型和挤出聚丙烯应用的Millad® NXTM 8000透明剂,有助提升聚丙烯聚乙烯模塑件性能的Hyperform® HPN成核剂,以及用于原生聚丙烯耐冲击共聚物和再生聚丙烯树脂的注塑应用的DeltaMaxTM 性能改性剂。

美利肯Millad® NX™ 8000透明剂带来卓越的环保和性能优势 美国新工厂即将开建

Milliken比利时根特 – 美利肯史上最大的透明剂工厂将于今年4月在美国南卡罗来纳州布莱克斯堡正式破土动工。这座世界一流的工厂计划于2020年投入运营,届时美利肯Millad®NX™8000透明剂产能有望提高约50%。这一产能扩张项目旨在满足全球客户对Millad NX 8000透明剂快速增长的需求,这一先进的聚丙烯添加剂有助于为客户带来卓越的环保和性能优势。

PureCycle Technologies携手美利肯和雀巢 推动塑料制品回收循环业务加速发展

MillikenChicago, IL, USA – PureCycle Technologies宣布与全球工业制造商美利肯公司,以及全球最大的食品饮料生产商雀巢集团开展合作,从而进一步推进公司的最新计划——开设第一家采用变革性回收循环技术对废旧聚丙烯塑料原始性能进行“完美复原”的工厂。

采用美利肯Millad® NX™ 8000透明剂生产聚丙烯产品的亚洲家居用品制造商可使用UL绿色环保标签

Milliken中国上海 – 美利肯Millad® NX™ 8000聚丙烯透明剂的节能优势一直被行业高度认可并在实践中得到证实。如今,众多下游客户,尤其是亚洲地区的客户进一步认识到了这一优势。他们将这一优势整合入生产工艺之后,进一步提升了产品性能并获得了UL环境声明验证(ECV)标签认证,从而增强了市场竞争能力。
