
中国上海,2020年7月27日 —— 节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”)近日宣布, 2019财年,旭格集团的营业额为17.50亿欧元,与2018年的16.70亿欧元相比增长了将近5%。2019年,旭格集团拥有5650名员工。公司在德国聘用员工3870人,其中2350人在东威斯特伐利亚-利佩地区聘用。2019年,旭格集团的投资额将近4800万欧元(2018年的投资额约为6000万欧元),其中超过1100万欧元投入了2016年启动的旭格总部扩建项目。旭格集团的经济资本所占的比例仍然保持在70%左右。

一次生态健康住宅的设计尝试 —— 杭州之江九里私人住宅



中国上海,2020年1月9日 —— 节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”)宣布正式入驻中国顶尖电商平台之一的苏宁易购,以“塑造空间,体验设计”为理念,全方位开启一步到位定制化旗舰体验。即日起登录苏宁易购页面搜索“旭格门窗旗舰店”,进入旭格苏宁易购定制旗舰店便可寻找到您所需要的旭格产品,还可享受开业期间的促销优惠。



Schüco Achieved Significant Growth in 2018, and Will Continue to Implement Its Leading Concepts

Shanghai, China – July 17th, 2019 –Schüco International KG, a global leading system solutions provider for windows, doors and façades (hereinafter referred to as “Schüco”), today announced that it generated a turnover of €1.670 billion in the 2018 financial year. Compared to 2017 (€1.575 billion), this represents a significant increase of around 6%. The increase in turnover is 7.3% when adjusted for currency fluctuations. This encouraging result is attributed to a lot of things, including the innovative products that Schüco has launched, the leading digital solutions it has developed, and its active practices in sustainability and social responsibility. In 2018, an annual average of 5,400 staff worked for Schüco – 500 more than that of the previous year. Around €60 million was invested in technology, service and sale in 2018. The economic capital of the Schüco remained unchanged at around 70%.

Schüco marks its 20th anniversary in China

Shanghai China, June 28th , 2019—Recently, Schüco International KG, a global leading system solutions provider for windows, doors and façades (hereinafter referred to as “Schüco”), has celebrated its 20th anniversary in China(1999-2019). A 20-year-old person is energetic, determined and ambitious. It is the same case with a 20-year-old business. Being always dedicated to providing innovative products and technologies, Schüco has taken home many international awards. Meanwhile, Schüco also takes the lead in the industry by becoming the first company in China to provide system solutions on windows and doors and integrating reliable German standards into each market where it operates. Through close cooperation with industry partners, Schüco provides individualized solutions for customers on both commercial and residential properties, striving for continuous improvement all the time. Schüco aims to make modernized manufacturing more efficient, bring intelligent designs into a digital era and create a better life for its customers and end users.


Schueco中国上海,2019年4月18日 ——节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”)携华中地区特许经销商中旭门窗亮相中西部第一的品牌展览会—2019第十九届成都建筑及装饰材料博览会(Chengdu China Building and Decoration Materials Exposition) 。此次展会于4月17日至19日在成都举办,预计共有1600+家展商在占地15万平方米的空间内展示业内前沿的建筑门窗幕墙产品,参展人数预计可达9万多人。

品质是旭格不变的承诺,315旭格向假货SAY NO

中国上海,2019年3月15日 ——节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”)以卓越品质助力“315”宣传日。备受瞩目的315“国际消费者权益日”自1983年由国际消费者联盟确认以来,已在世界范围内获得广泛重视。今年,旭格向广大消费者倡导,选择正规购买渠道才是自我利益的最佳保障。

Experience Progress with Schüco

SchuecoShanghai, China – January 7th, 2019 – Schüco International KG, a global leading system solutions provider for windows, doors and façades (hereinafter referred to as “Schüco”), will attend the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems- BAU 2019, which will be held in 14-19 January, 2019 in Munich, Germany. Attracting over 250,000 visitors, this show will witness more than 2100 leading manufacturers of construction materials from 45 countries exhibiting their latest techniques, materials and applications. As one of the largest exhibitors in BAU’s history, Schüco will welcome exhibition visitors to Stand 301 in Hall B1 with the slogan “Experience Progress”, exploring how to deliver exceptional value through new products and digital services during the process of urbanisation, globalisation and digitalisation.


Schueco中国上海,2018年11月9日——节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”)于10月31日至11月3日成功亮相年度顶级盛会—2018中国国际门窗幕墙博览会(FENESTRATION BAU CHINA 2018)。此次展会规模空前盛大,共有656家展商在占地105,000平方米的空间内展示了最新的建筑门窗幕墙产品,参展人数更达到了10万多人。今年,旭格以“我们深谙其道(We know How)” 为主题,携546平米双层豪华展台隆重登陆展会现场。结合今年“新技术、新材料、新趋势”概念,旭格在为现场观众展示新系列产品的同时,将“建筑创新未来”的理念完美融合于产品设计,充分彰显了旭格不断发展的产品系列以及创新方面的可靠实力。借助本次展会的平台,旭格进一步提升了作为建筑外立面行业的领军企业的品牌形象,更与我们的客户在现场进行了积极互动,创造卓越的客户体验。展会期间,德国旭格国际集团商建单元幕墙总监卡尔·斯蒂芬·德瓦尔德博士受邀参加“FDC中国国际门窗幕墙高级研讨会”。德瓦尔德博士通过经典案例的分析,论证了在建筑行业最新技术可行性和追求价值链流程的影响下,“高层住宅建筑”在未来将通过系统化方式实现个性与效率的显著反差。同时,旭格中国工程总监孙德岩先生在“中国幕墙设计与施工高峰论坛”上从幕墙构造风险、认证检验和管理措施等方面结合最新案例与观众分享了中欧幕墙结构设计差异,以及具有针对性的幕墙工程解决方案。更值得一提的是,作为门窗幕墙行业最具影响力的大奖—金轩奖的颁奖活动也在展会期间同期举行。凭借其产品过硬的实力,旭格ASE 67 PD推拉系统,通过激烈的角逐,在353件参赛产品中脱颖而出,一举获得“最具创新力门窗幕墙系统”的荣誉,。


Schueco中国上海,2018年10月18日 —— 节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”) 宣布正式入驻中国领先电商平台天猫商城,开启旭格全屋定制旗舰店。本次入驻天猫是旭格进一步开拓线上零售市场的一大战略举措,并加强线上与线下结合的全方位立体式营销模式。即日起,登录天猫页面搜索“旭格旗舰店”,进入旭格天猫全屋定制旗舰店便可寻找到您所需要的旭格产品,还可享受开业期间的促销优惠。当下O2O作为新的服务性电商运营模式,为消费者打通了线上和线下的信息和体验环节,加强了生活化场景,并且通过完善“售前”体验,让消费者可全面、及时地了解到商家的最新动态。旭格作为建筑建材行业的领航者,始终紧跟市场的步伐,为全国各地的消费者和旭格的忠实用户提供站在技术前沿的产品解决方案与周到的服务。 此次开设旭格天猫全屋定制旗舰店,将构建多维度的线上订购平台和线下体验服务,多角度地开启领先的体验式营销模式;零距离地为消费者提供便捷、高效、专业化的在线购物体验。

“Building An Innovative Future, We Know How.”

SchuecoShanghai, China – 17th September, 2018 – Schüco International KG, a global leading system solutions provider for windows, doors and façades (hereinafter referred to as “Schüco”) will showcase at the Fenestration BAU China 2018 from October 31rd to November 3rd . The event will gather around 650 brands windows, doors and building systems companies, with each of them bringing their most up-to-date products and technologies. It has become the top platform for premium industrial communication on windows, doors and façades in Asia, featuring “new technologies, new materials and new trends” in the building system field. This year, adhering to the brand concept of “We Know How”, Schüco returns to Fenestration BAU China after two years with a two-storey booth covering an area of 416 ㎡. In the exhibition, Schüco will present a collection of diversified products and solutions originating from the concept of “building an innovative future”. Together, Schüco will discuss with industry leaders about the market dynamics and technological challenges faced by the windows, doors and façades industry in the future. Schüco booth No.: W3. 401
