


“Building An Innovative Future, We Know How.”

SchuecoShanghai, China – 17th September, 2018 – Schüco International KG, a global leading system solutions provider for windows, doors and façades (hereinafter referred to as “Schüco”) will showcase at the Fenestration BAU China 2018 from October 31rd to November 3rd . The event will gather around 650 brands windows, doors and building systems companies, with each of them bringing their most up-to-date products and technologies. It has become the top platform for premium industrial communication on windows, doors and façades in Asia, featuring “new technologies, new materials and new trends” in the building system field. This year, adhering to the brand concept of “We Know How”, Schüco returns to Fenestration BAU China after two years with a two-storey booth covering an area of 416 ㎡. In the exhibition, Schüco will present a collection of diversified products and solutions originating from the concept of “building an innovative future”. Together, Schüco will discuss with industry leaders about the market dynamics and technological challenges faced by the windows, doors and façades industry in the future. Schüco booth No.: W3. 401


Lectra2018年9月12日,中国上海——今天,作为使用软性材料公司的首选技术伙伴,力克公司受邀出席由中国国际家具博览会和中国国际家具生产设备及木工机械展览会联合举办的工业4.0制造论坛。会上,力克家具行业全球销售副总裁Oliver Nold分享了当今变化时代下软体家具的发展需求。论坛与第42届中国国际家博会同期举行,吸引了世界范围的家具企业在带来创新家具智造科技的同时,就工业4.0时代下家具行业如何以数字化生产惠及家具行业传统供应链,迎合市场定制趋势,满足千禧一代新潮的需求,各抒己见。


Lectra2018年7月18日,巴黎 - 近日,专注于为使用软性材料(纺织品、皮革、工业面料以及复合材料)的行业提供整合技术解决方案的全球领导者力克公司,举办了“打造家具生产的数字化未来”家具业VIP客户活动,进一步巩固了其作为软体家具行业重要思想合作伙伴的地位。



应对现代零售的挑战 力克带你走进量身定制的世界

Lectra2018年6月8日,中国香港 - 力克公司,作为使用织物与皮革等软性材料公司的首选技术伙伴,量身定制业务(Made to Measure, 简称MTM)行业先驱,受邀参加今天在香港举办的Weave Conference。力克大中华区专业服务副总裁徐一振先生作为演讲嘉宾发表主题演讲,向与会者介绍了量身定制业务(MTM)的发展前景与行业现状,以及力克如何在MTM业务中为全球客户提供支持。


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